Maryland Tax Audit and Appeals Attorney

If you got your business or individual tax returns audited and the tax amount was adjusted, you can appeal to a hearing officer. Unfortunately, the appeal process can be tasking. It helps to have a professional tax audit and appeals attorney help you navigate the process.

Ledingham Law has attorneys who can provide legal counsel during the process and protect your rights, ensuring the best possible outcome. Contact us today at (240) 673-6869.

What are Tax Audits in Maryland?

Tax audits in Maryland are investigations to determine whether you’re submitting accurate information and remitting the correct tax on your tax returns. The audit is designed to keep the tax system fair for Maryland residents.

Although the audit process might feel arbitrary, it’s often triggered by discrepancies between state and federal returns, unusually high deductions relative to income, or random selection for quality control purposes. Note that getting picked for an audit does not necessarily imply wrongdoing.

What Happens During a Tax Audit in Maryland?

An auditor will review all your financial documents, including receipts, bank statements, and other records that substantiate the entries on your tax return. You should cooperate and provide complete and timely responses to the auditor’s requests, which can help streamline the process and avoid unnecessary complications.

During the audit, auditors may ask probing questions to understand the context behind numbers. This interaction is not just a financial exercise but also an opportunity to clarify any misunderstanding and to present your financial status accurately.

Misinterpretation of tax laws or honest mistakes are common, and an audit provides a platform to address these issues directly with the tax authorities.

Maryland Audit Tax Appeals Process

If you disagree with the hearing officer’s assessment, you can appeal to the Maryland Tax Court within 30 days of getting the tax assessment.

Launching a successful appeal involves a strategic presentation of your case, including the introduction of new evidence or arguments that directly address the auditor’s concerns. Ledingham Law will prepare a detailed appeal that outlines your objections to the assessment and include additional documentation or clarification that could influence the outcome.

The appeal can be gotten in four ways:

  • A written appeal
  • Video hearing
  • In-Person hearing
  • Phone hearing

The Role of a Maryland Tax Audit Attorney

A Maryland Tax Audit Attorney acts as a buffer between the taxpayer and the state’s tax authority, providing a layer of professional, clear, and accurate communication that can often result in a more favorable audit experience.

They also audit the findings of the auditors and identify any areas where the auditor’s interpretation of the law may be challenged or where additional documentation could sway the outcome in your favor.

Besides representation during the complex process, an experienced tax attorney also acts as a strategic advisor. They can identify potential areas of vulnerability in a client’s financial records and advise on corrective measures. This forward-looking approach not only aids in the current audit but also positions you more favorably for future tax years.

And if the audit process doesn’t yield a successful outcome, the attorney can seamlessly transition to preparing an appeal. Their involvement provides continuity and a deep understanding of the case, which is crucial for any subsequent appeals process.

How Ledingham Law Maximizes Your Chance of a Successful Appeal

At Ledingham Law, our seasoned approach to handling Maryland tax appeals sets us apart. Our attorneys are well-versed in the nuances of tax laws and experienced in engaging with the Comptroller of Maryland’s appeals process.

We begin by conducting a thorough review of your case, identifying the key issues, and pinpointing areas where additional evidence or a refined argument can make a significant impact. Our expertise allows us to craft a compelling appeal that directly addresses the reasons behind the audit’s unfavorable outcome, ensuring that no stone is left unturned.

The synergy of our legal expertise, strategic planning, and relentless advocacy is what enables us to maximize your chances of a successful tax appeal.

Avoiding Common Tax Audit Pitfalls

Engaging with Ledingham Law extends beyond immediate audit and appeal support. Our comprehensive approach includes strategic preparation for future audits and guidance on circumventing the common mistakes that may catch the attention of the Comptroller of Maryland.

Our team offers valuable tax planning strategies tailored to your specific financial situation. These strategies help ensure your transactions and records are aligned with current Maryland tax laws and regulations. This forward-thinking methodology is crucial for maintaining a clean financial slate and preventing audits before they occur.

We also examine your financial documentation, identifying any discrepancies or areas that could potentially raise red flags during a tax audit. By rectifying these issues proactively, we minimize the risk of future audits and the stress they entail.

We’ll also guide you through implementing effective strategies to reduce your tax liabilities within the legal framework, ensuring you benefit from all available deductions and credits without inadvertently stepping into gray areas that could trigger an audit.

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Contact Ledingham Law for Maryland Tax Audit and Appeals

With Ledingham Law by your side, you are not only equipped to address current challenges but also to build a stronger, audit-resistant financial future. Our extensive knowledge of tax audits and appeals makes this complex process a breeze.

To have peace of mind, contact Ledingham Law Today at (240) 673-6869.